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TEFCE Consultation in Paris

On 2nd March 2019, Dr. Budd Hall (University of Victoria & Co-chair, UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research & Social Responsibility in Higher Education) held a consultation with TEFCE (Towards a European Framework for Community Engagement in Higher Education). The TEFCE Project aims at developing innovative and feasible policy tools at the University and EU level for supporting, monitoring and assessing the community engagement of the universities.

The consultation meeting consisted of information sharing among the two parties, where in Dr. Budd Hall shared the work undertaken by UNESCO Chair in CBR and their emphasis on community-based research primarily in developing countries and building capacities for transformative potential of such research in those contexts.  Discussions on the possible collaboration between the two organisations was also discussed during the meeting.

To read more about the meeting:  https://assets.website-files.com/5b963a1d7572f5da2339ce83/5cb6d1576bcb725d9a27f545_TEFCE_UNESCO-CBR_consultation.pdf

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