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Vitae Connections Week

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Date(s) - 14/09/2020 - 17/09/2020
12:00 am

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Vitae UK is organising its Connections Week from 14th to 17th of September 2020.This online conference is set to be a collection of live and on demand opportunities for knowledge and practice sharing, networking and discussion among those with an interest in researcher development globally. The sessions will include live-streamed keynote presentations, small-group interactive and discussion sessions, our popular poster session and exhibition area reimagined for remote access, as well as the Vitae 3MT competition 2020 final, sponsored by Taylor & Francis.

Our Chair, Dr. Rajesh Tandon (Founder-President of PRIA), will be a speaker in the opening session of the Vitae Connections Week. With speakers from different backgrounds, different insights into different policy approaches internationally in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts on research. In particular, attention with be drawn to the importance of international collaboration and the need for investment in early career researchers.

To learn more about the event: https://www.vitae.ac.uk/events/Vitae-connections-week-2020

To register for Vitae’s Connection week: https://connectionsweek2020.vitae.ac.uk/page/1544344/registration

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