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UNESCO Consultation on the Future of Higher Education

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Date(s) - 28/07/2021
7:30 pm

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Dr. Rajesh Tandon, Founder-President, PRIA and Co-Chair, UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education contributed to the session on the theme 2 of the WHEC 2022 : Higher Education and the SDGs. Certain focus areas within this theme are: Relevant research agendas for human development; Global citizenship: embedding the 17 SDGs in teaching, learning, research; SDG4: progress, gaps, and options (role of HED to improve the whole education system and the teaching profession); Capacity building for research in HEIs and other actors; Third mission of HEIs: community services and local practices adopting global perspectives.

He then spoke of how bulk of the curriculum in HEIs does not take account of the kinds of questions emerging on the ground about climate change, violence and other issues. Curriculums for humanities, technology, business and other disciplines need to align their focus towards these questions.

The second issue Dr. Tandon addressed was with regard to locally relevant, contextual research. He stated that each SDG has a contextual connotation. SDGs are universal and are applicable to all communities. Therefore locally rooted research partnerships with local communities, governments and CSOs along with students and faculty can produce locally relevant research findings which can support actions on the ground.

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