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MADAYAW 4.0: International Multidisciplinary Research Conference

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Date(s) - 26/08/2021
8:00 am

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Dr. Rajesh Tandon spoke at the conference on the title ‘Socially Responsible Higher Education: Post-Pandemic’. He spoke around the themes of inequalities caused by the pandemic, resilience and local solutions for challenges faced by communities.

Post- pandemic recovery taught us that we leaned on the local services and information. Therefore innovations need to be local and HEIs need to think of this in terms of their teaching and research. He then spoke of the three missions of higher education, teaching, research and service, and how they must be integrated. The role of HEIs is to prepare next- gen professionals to be sensitive to the locally relevant context and solutions. This will ensure that although western canons of knowledge are not rejected, they are not given exclusive rights over knowledge generation. The pedagogy also needs to be altered, to make teaching and learning community- engaged. If research is not local, that knowledge generated from the research will not be relevant and useful. Similarly place based curriculum is crucial for achieving the three missions and in order to make HEIs socially responsible.

With regard to community based partnership research, Dr. Tandon stated that research questions, and research methodologies should be prepared with active participation of the community. It should also entail collecting and analysing data, and disseminating it with the community as equal partners, and should be aimed to address some of the challenges faced by that community. Inclusion of linguistic and cultural diversity is equally important in theory and practice.

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