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April 6, 2021
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Knowledge, Action and Hope: A Manifesto

  UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education based at the University of Victoria (UVic) and the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), co-directed by Prof Budd L Hall and Dr Rajesh Tandon, supports … Continue reading

February 28, 2021
by Niharika Kaul
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How Do We Make Higher Education Truly Diverse & Inclusive?

At the recent 16th FICCI Higher Education Summit 2021, Professor Sonajharia Minz, Vice Chancellor of Sido Kanhu Murmu University in Dumka, Jharkhand, while speaking on diversity in higher education, emphatically stated that “diversity comes with respect and respect comes with … Continue reading

February 22, 2021
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Interview with Dr. Florence Piron

Watch full interview of Dr. Florence Piron taken by Dr. Hall and Dr. Tandon. Dr. Piron is an exceptionally accomplished anthropologist and ethicist. She is Professor at Université Laval and teaches critical thinking there through multidisciplinary courses on ethics, democracy and living together. She … Continue reading

January 29, 2021
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STIP Consultation

Dr. Tandon, Founder-President, PRIA and UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education was part of the consultation on the way forward with regard to the Draft 5th National Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Policy which … Continue reading

January 29, 2021
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How Do We Radically Reimagine Access To Science In India?

By Niharika Kaul: Over the past few decades, scientific research has increasingly become inaccessible for the citizenry and away from public debate and engagement. The divide between the Global North and Global South has exacerbated the marginalization of voices and … Continue reading

December 4, 2020
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UNESCO Chair Renewal 2020 – 2024

This is indeed a proud moment for us. The UNESCO Chair in Community- Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education has been renewed with our Co- Chairs Dr. Rajesh Tandon, Founder-President PRIA and Dr. Budd Hall, Professor Emeritus, University … Continue reading

October 14, 2020
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Advancing the endeavour for openness of science: Talloires Network of Engaged Universities

In the context of our UNESCO Co-Chairs’ endeavour to continue an international dialogue on openness of science through the Open Science webinar series (https://unescochair-cbrsr.org/index.php/2020/09/29/open-science-webinar-series/), the Talloires Network of Engaged Universities (composed of 406 member universities in 78 countries around the … Continue reading

July 17, 2020
by admin
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India and the Corona Crisis: Lessons for Global Citizenship Education

Dr. Rajesh Tandon (Founder-President, PRIA & Co-chair, UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research & Social Responsibility in Higher Education) participated in DVV International’s Video Podcast initiative, “Adult Learning and Education in the Times of COVID-19”. In this episode of the podcast, … Continue reading

July 15, 2020
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Virtual Workshop: The Recommendation on Science & Scientific Researchers & COVID-19

With the current attention on the field of science and scientists, PRIA initiated a dialogue on the need mechanisms for public authorities to monitor the operation of science systems under certain value systems. A virtual workshop on the Recommendation on … Continue reading

July 14, 2020
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Comments Off on DVV International- Adult Learning & Education: COVID-19 & Beyond

DVV International- Adult Learning & Education: COVID-19 & Beyond

As the current pandemic continues to impact communities across the world, the role of Adult Learning and Education (ALE) in supporting  learners in continuing their education and encouraging social action cannot be understated. With this perspective, DVV International initiated a … Continue reading

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