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February 15, 2019
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Surf On Paulino: Reflections and Stories about Paulo Freire by Dr. Budd Hall

Dr. Budd Hall gave a talk on Paulo Freire on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Special Issue of CONCEPT on February 14th and 15th, 2019. This was at the University of Huddersfield. For details … Continue reading

February 15, 2019
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Global Inequalities in Knowledge Distribution and Production: Implications for Higher Education

A Talk by Dr. Budd Hall at the London headquarters of the Association of Commonwealth Universities February 12, 2019 At the invitation of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, Budd shared his observations about global inequalities in knowledge distribution and production. … Continue reading

February 1, 2019
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Dialogue on Institutional Social Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions: January 31, 2019 UGC New Delhi

Background Unnat Bharat Ahiyaan (UBA) 2.0 was launched by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), Government of India in February 2018. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has set up a Subject Expert Group (SEG) on Curricular Reforms and Educational … Continue reading

January 29, 2019
by Dr. Budd Hall, UNESCO Co-Chair
Comments Off on Budd’s visit to Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec

Budd’s visit to Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec

Budd paid a visit to Laval University, Canada’s oldest university on January 28 and 29, 2019 at the invitation of Professor Florence Piron. While the weather was cold, the welcome was very warm indeed. Budd met with Claude Savard, the … Continue reading

December 18, 2018
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Unesco Chairs Meeting, India

In a first of its kind initiative, UNESCO India and Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA) co-hosted two days meetings of all the ten UNESCO Chairs in India.  The dates for the meeting were December 10th and December 11th respectively. The … Continue reading

November 15, 2018
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International Higher Education Declaration to Support the Implementation of the United Nations Sustainability Goals

The Big Tent Consortium (a global network of universities and their community partners) has issued the ‘Global Communique-VIII’, as a call to action to its members on the Role of Universities in the Implementation of the UN SDGs. The French … Continue reading

September 20, 2018
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Prof. (Dr.) Madhura Y., K4C Hub Coordinator visited University of Victoria on September 19th, 2018

Prof. (Dr.) Madhura Y., Director – School of Architecture and Design, Manipal University Jaipur, Knowledge for Change (K4C) Hub Coordinator visited University of Victoria on September 19th, 2018. The discussions were focused on the interest in building the K4C Consortium … Continue reading

July 26, 2018
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SCRUTEA Adult Education Conference 2018

Dr Budd Hall, our UNESCO Co-Chair joined Marjorie Mayo of Goldsmith’s College and Jude Fransman of the Open University for a round table on ‘Knowledge, Democracy and Hope’ at the SCUTREA Adult Education Conference on “Life Long Learning and the … Continue reading

July 12, 2018
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AESIS Conference, Ottawa, Canada June 14-15, 2018

Over 300 delegates from around the world attended the Network for Adavancing and Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science (AESIS) Conference in Ottawa on June 14-15, 2018. The focus of the conference was ‘Finding shared approaches to assess, enable and … Continue reading

July 12, 2018
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Living Knowledge Network Conference, Budapest Hungary

The 2018 edition of the Living Knowledge Conference was hosted by the Corvinus Business School, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, from 30th May to 1st June. The Living Knowledge 8 Conference was aimed at academics, practitioners, activists, social innovators, research … Continue reading

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