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December 30, 2021
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Co-Chairs’ message about the K4C Consortium

Our UNESCO Chair was created in 2012 at the request of UNESCO with whom we had worked on the 2009 World Conference on Higher Education. During the first five years of our work as Chairs, we carried out two major … Continue reading

December 30, 2021
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The Story of Participatory Research: History and Future, PRIA@40 Conversation

It was in 1976 that a group of interested persons across North America first met to discuss Participatory Research (PR) as an alternative means of research and use of knowledge for social change. In 1980, the first international meeting on … Continue reading

April 13, 2020
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Fostering Social Responsibility by Higher Education: COVID-19 & Beyond: 8th April 2020

The UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education and PRIA with the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) organised a webinar on ‘Fostering Social Responsibility by Higher Education: COVID 19 and Beyond’ on April 8th 2020. … Continue reading

March 6, 2020
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Transforming Towards Sustainable Development: Integrating Effectiveness and Justice Considerations

The 2nd International Conference on SDGs: Higher Education and Science Take Action, organised by GUNi took place on 5th & 6th March, 2020 in Barcelona. Dr. Rajesh Tandon, Founder-President of PRIA and UNESCO Co-Chair in Community Based Research and Social … Continue reading

February 13, 2020
by Dr. Budd Hall, UNESCO Co-Chair
Comments Off on Launch of the Limerick K4C Hub-Feb 12, 2020

Launch of the Limerick K4C Hub-Feb 12, 2020

Limerick is the site of the first Irish Knowledge for Change Community-Based Research Training hub.  Limerick is located in Southwest Ireland at the confluence of the Abby and Shannon rivers. Founded by Vikings, it has played an important role as … Continue reading

February 13, 2020
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Comments Off on Building Knowledge Societies

Building Knowledge Societies

On 11th February, Dr. Rajesh Tandon (Founder President, PRIA and UNESCO Co-Chair on Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education) conducted a session with a group of student leaders hailing from Asia, Africa, Germany and Caribbean.  This session … Continue reading

February 10, 2020
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Comments Off on MoU with UNITE

MoU with UNITE

The fifth cohort of the Mentor Training Programme (MTP) under the K4C initiative would be hosted by UNITE the Union, UK. The duration of face-to-face residency would be June 28- July 11, 2020. The MoU has been signed by Jim … Continue reading

December 26, 2019
by admin
Comments Off on UNAI 10th Anniversary international Conference, Chandigarh University: November 18-19, 2019

UNAI 10th Anniversary international Conference, Chandigarh University: November 18-19, 2019

Dr. Rajesh Tandon was invited as a distinguished guest speaker at the International Conference on UNAI. Last 10 years’ contribution of UNAI has made an exemplary impact through different collaborative and innovative initiative in higher education institutions (HEIs) across the … Continue reading

December 13, 2019
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Comments Off on Global University Network Innovation (GUNI) Higher Education in the World 7 Report

Global University Network Innovation (GUNI) Higher Education in the World 7 Report

Societies are witnessing profound changes with clear implications for the future; these environmental, scientific, technological, cultural and social transformations are presenting transcendental challenges in terms of thinking and rethinking the meaning and value of human experience, and even of what … Continue reading

December 5, 2019
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Comments Off on Reflections from Global Summit on Canada’s Global Leadership By Dr. Rajesh Tandon

Reflections from Global Summit on Canada’s Global Leadership By Dr. Rajesh Tandon

Good evening! In this closing plenary of this unique event, let me share some of my reflections and suggestions. First, let me thank the co-convenors of this impressive Summit to be able to bring together an impressive array of individuals, … Continue reading

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