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Samagam 2020

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Date(s) - 27/11/2020 - 28/11/2020
10:00 am

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PRADAN, PRIA and CYSD organised the second edition of Samagam (a sector building initiative started by PRADAN) with the support of NITI Aayog, FICCI and VANI on 27-28 November 2020. Samagam is a platform for fostering multi-sectoral partnerships. Samagam is an interaction between actors from the various sectors and in the process, the aim is to try to deep dive into how these partnerships work and what we can learn from them. Our UNESCO Co-Chair Dr. Tandon was a Key Note Speaker at the event.

At Samagam 2020, participants reflected on how to create an actionable roadmap for a better future which ensures that doing well in terms of economic growth necessarily co-exists with doing good in terms of sustainable, inclusive development. Successful, and sometimes the not so successful, partnerships at grassroots, panchayat, district and state levels provide us the guiding light to relook at, and plan for our future with renewed confidence and self-faith to pursue our goals and ambition of realizing a “sab jan hitaye, sab jan sukhaye” India (or and India that ensures “sab ka vikaas” with “sab ka saath”). 

Ideas and insights that emerged from Samagam formed the basis for collective action, and further deliberation, to effectively address the issues of the most marginalized and those currently “excluded” from the development process. Deliberations during Samagam 2020 also provided important inputs for arriving at the Voluntary Sector Policy document that is due for a refresh in early 2021.

Link to Dr. Tandon’s key note address-

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