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Knowledge Democracy For a Transforming World

Dr Rajesh Tandon & Dr Budd Hall were invited as the guest editors for the latest Volume of the Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement.

Centered around the theme of knowledge democracy, this edition of the Gateways journal was launched on 3rd June 2020.

The introductory piece by Dr Tandon & Dr Hall, titled "Knowledge Democracy For a Transforming World", touches upon the key principles of knowledge democracy which include the recognition of multiple epistemologies of knowing, openness to assembling, representing and sharing knowledge in multiple forms and the need to carefully balance the need to protect ownership of communities’ knowledge vis-a-vis the need to share knowledge in an open-access manner.

Intending to broaden and deepen one’s understanding of knowledge democracy, this volume of the journal includes articles from across the globe which provide us with a theoretical perspective, a practice perspective, an ontological perspective, and action or political perspective.

To read more about this: https://unescochair-cbrsr.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Knowledge_Democracy_for_a_Transforming_World.pdf

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